
I have actually been looking for an avenue to share my visions with Godly men and women,but I think this blog would be perfect for it.
I would be updating it weekly with new content in the home page,but this vision page would only contain day and nite visions as well as other visions which the Lord opens my eyes to see from time to time.
There is no doubt that God exists and as such has revealed Himself to me at various times.I would be writing about them here.

 January 2012
I was on the road on my way to work sitting at the passenger side of my brothers car.the next thing I saw was that the street where I was standing, was surrounded by gold.the roads were tarred with gold,and I saw a gigantic gold and silver gate infront of me.I couldn't understand where I was but I walked towards the gate and then saw 2 angels guarding it. As soon as I got close enough to the gate,I heard the 2 angels blow their trumpets in harmony and then the gates swung open.I noticed that the light which was present was white light which is the brightest,most saturating light I have ever seen,I didn't see any sun, for that light was the radiating light of God.His light is bright enough to lighten up the whole of Heaven.

As I walked in,I saw Jesus who welcomed me and tried to take me out of Heaven,saying that I cannot be there now. Then I heard the voice of God saying 'let her come to me'. Just then I turned to his Holy throne and though I saw no face,His light pierced through me and I was filled with His light. He said that "be not afraid,This is the voice that has been speaking to you all this while,do not have doubts in your mind when you hear me speak,Now go to the world and tell them that I am alive and that I live".

As soon as I heard this,I then heard his holy angels singing in harmony,holy,holy,holy.Almost like the most beautiful chorus I have ever heard and then i walked out of heaven's gate,and the gates were shut. Heaven is the most beautiful,most peaceful place I have ever seen,and as such I know without a doubt that Heaven is where I want to spend the rest of eternity,in the presence of the Most High God.

Lion of Judah
September 2012.

I was having my quiet time in my room.I was so deep in worship when I saw a huge gigantic rock placed infront of me. At the top of the rock was what looked like fierce flames.I was indeed afraid,but when I looked further I saw that it was the face of a flaming Lion which quickly changed to the face of an eagle,and another face which I was unable to recognise. This all happened so fast that I couldn't look further and then I fell on my face instantly and cried saying "no lord,I can't see your face,if I do,I will die"He then replied and said "Do not be afraid, for what you see is My glory".then I got up from where I was and the vision ended and I went to bed overjoyed!
That was the day the name Lion of Judah made much sense to me.God indeed is Beautiful and Majestic in glory! Many say you cannot see the face of the Lord and remain alive,but I believe that if He truly wants to reveal himself to you,then surely, you will see Him.Halleluyah!

Instruction from Above

This particular one was a night vision.In it I was walking on the road on a nice sunny day,all of a sudden I heard a voice speaking to me,which I later figured was coming from the sky.I looked up at the sky and then the voice of the Lord instructed me to get a note book and write down some instructions on how to bless water and invite the holy spirit into such water to minister healing to the sick.Hereafter I wrote all of these in my notebook,but when I woke up,I didn't have the book and couldn't remember much of the instruction.

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